Prayer Services
Make a promise to be there for
someone you care about -
Prayer services with special intentions for Victoria will be held at the following places and times. We invite all to join us in prayer at the prayer services. We thank everyone for their special prayers.
3-4-10 to 3-14-10 Prayers & Vigils
Please join Prayers For Victoria, a united group of supporters praying for Victoria's healing.
11-23-09 St. Gabriel Catholic Church, Neenah WI
Please join the parish community with special prayers for Victoria at St. Gabriel Catholic Parish on November 23, 2009 at 7:00 AM.
10-29-09 St. Gabriel Catholic Church, Neenah WI
A special prayer service will be held at St. Gabriel Catholic Parish on October 29, 2009 at 7:00 AM.
Information about aplastic anemia:
For more information about Aplastic Anemia, please consider these sites:
Aplastic Anemia
Aplastic Anemia Association
One Life Matters BLOG
Bone Marrow Donation
Bone Marrow Testing