Donations of Bone Marrow
As a donor, you may have many questions about the process, whether you can donate, how the donation process takes place, as well as what effects it will have on the recipient and on you. For a host of information about being the match, please refer to Be The Match As A Bone Marrow Donor.
Federal Employment Laws For Bone Marrow Donors
Under Federal law, the Bone Marrow and Organ Donation Leave Act requires that all employers with 50 or more permanent employees must allow employees up to six weeks leave in a 12-month period for the purpose of serving as a bone marrow or organ donor, if the employee provides his or her employer with written verification that the employee is to serve as a bone marrow or organ donor. Leave may be taken only for the period necessary for the employee to undergo the donation procedure and to recover from the procedure.
State Laws On Donor Leave
In the United States, each state is authorized to make its separate laws, and many states have enacted donor leave statutes. For individual state laws, please view the following PDF:
Donor Leave Statutes by State
Wisconsin State Law on Donor Leave
Wisconsin Bone Marrow and Organ Donation Leave Act
Information about aplastic anemia:
For more information about Aplastic Anemia, please consider these sites:
Aplastic Anemia Association
One Life Matters BLOG
Bone Marrow Donation
Bone Marrow Testing
Theft of a Donation Jar